We appreciate all of you being patient with us as we begin to adapt to the new environment.  Please also be patient with us as we navigate through this crazy time.

If you or a loved one is sick please refrain from bringing your dog to daycare or making an appointment until all is cleared.

New Store Drop off and Pickup Procedures:

Curbside drop off and pickup preferred. .   Pups can be dropped off and/or picked up at the front door.  Our staff will be wearing masks, please also do the same.  If there is a line for drop off, please respect the 6 feet apart social distance guideline. We will move everyone in quickly and safely as possible.  Please be patient and allow more time.

You are welcome to enter the store if wearing a mask and maintain a social distance of 6 feet from staff and customers.

New Protocol: Home Pickup, drop off and walks.

If you are home when you need a service please meet the Fido’s team member at your front door with your pup leashed up and ready to go.  Fido’s team members will not enter your home if someone is home including cleaners, etc.

Here are some of the safety precautions we’re taking:

  • Dog walkers will stay 6 feet away from people at all times while on the walk, and avoid crowded areas.

  • Dog walkers are advised to not let other people or pups touch the dog they’re walking.

  • Dog walkers will sanitize or wash their hands frequently between clients and wear gloves at all times. Hand sanitizer will also be used.

  • Dog walkers will wear a mask at all times in the client’s UNOCCUPIED apartment.

  • Dog walkers will social distance when using the elevators or indoor spaces when going to a client’s apartment. 

If you have any additional requests for your walker feel free to contact us and let us know! We want to make this as easy for you as possible, and make sure everyone is safe and comfortable, especially your pooch!

Winter Care for Dogs

Extreme cold-weather conditions pose a challenge to getting dogs the exercise they need.

Even large, healthy, thick-coated dogs are not impervious to the strain of exposure to winter weather. Indoor dogs, accustomed to temperature-controlled conditions year-round, will be especially sensitive to winter weather.

It is a myth that it’s never too cold to exercise outdoors, even for thick coated dogs.

Just like people, dogs are more susceptible to illness during winter weather.

During extreme weather, dogs should stay inside. Extended exposure to temperatures below 50 degrees F can be uncomfortable and potentially detrimental to your pooch’s health. Lower than 40 degrees F can be dangerous.

Bring your dog to dog daycare for the fun and exercise they need.


Even with fur coats, dogs are vulnerable to frostbite. Severe tissue damage will occur with prolonged exposure to cold and happens most commonly in extremities such as ear tips, paws, or tail. Sometimes signs of frostbite are not immediately visible and can develop days after exposure.


Cold weather, especially associated with high winds, can result in low body temperature. Hypothermia can be fatal if not treated promptly. Temperatures do not need to be below freezing to be dangerous. Dogs can develop hypothermia at temperatures above freezing. Small breeds, elderly, young, or dogs with short coats are especially vulnerable.

Limit time spent outdoors

Your pup might get carried away playing outside, so it’s up to you to decide when to come inside and warm up. This can help to prevent frostbite and hypothermia.

Why take the chance? Bring them to dog daycare, where it’s Spring year-round!

The best prescription for winter's woes is to keep your dog inside a temperature controlled environment, such as a dog daycare & dog boarding facility. Dog daycare and dog boarding offers a large safe environment for your pooch to play. Doggie daycare offers a better alternative to dog walking as your dog will be safe from the elements. This is a great way to ensure your dog gets the exercise and socialization he so desperately needs.


Be vigilant when walking dogs in winter. City dogs might require a balm to treat effects from salted sidewalks. Vaseline works, don’t let them lick it! Dogs exposed to a lot of salt should have their paws cleaned regularly to prevent chronic dryness. Get frequent dog grooming and ask to trim the hair on paws. Paw fur gets wet in snow and remains wet and cold indoors. They will be safe from this risk at dog daycare.

Dog Grooming

Your dog needs a clean, well-groomed coat to keep properly insulated. Brushing out old fur will allow a fuller coat to grow in. Clumpy, matted fur doesn’t insulate as well as a clean coat, and it takes longer to dry. Grooming your dog is important during the cold winter months.

Fido's Retreat provides dog day care, dog boarding, in Brooklyn. Serving the neighborhoods of Downtown Brooklyn, Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, Fort Greene, Carroll Gardens, Red Hook, Williamsburg, Park Slope, Clinton Hill, and the greater Brooklyn area. Doggy Daycare 11201, 11231, 11217, 11215, 11205, 11211, 11231      1/11/19 

Dog Daycare Versus Leaving Them At Home

Why a dog would prefer daycare over being home alone. A couple of walks a day does not provide the exercise and stimulation dogs need.

Dogs are very loving pets. No matter how long an owner has been gone, no matter how the owner treated the dog before they left the dog at home alone, the dog will always greet the owner with a wagging tail when we return home. This is the unconditional love that our cherished doggies show us. While dogs will always give us this unconditional love as we return home from a long day at work that does not mean that we should not consider another option for the enrichment of our dog’s life.

Many owners think that they are providing sufficient care by having their dogs walked during the day. There are several problems with this reasoning.

-This still leaves the dog alone for the majority of the day while the owner is at work.

-A couple of walks at a human stride does not provide the physical exercise dogs require.

-“Pack-walks” do not provide the same benefits as off-leash socialization as they are tethered to a leash and are not able to interact freely with one another. It basically just teaches them to walk on a leash next to other dogs while being controlled.

-Dogs are social pack animals. They need to be in the company of other dogs in an off-leash environment for optimal psychological well-being.

 Doggy day care provides a safe environment in which your pooch can run free and act like a dog is supposed to.

 Daycare Benefits are Endless!

There are several ways that dogs and their owners benefit from coming to doggy daycare.

  • Exercise & Socialization - Relief From Boredom – Dogs thrive around other dogs. Dog Daycare provides the doggy with play times throughout the day to express normal dog behavior. They have the opportunity to meet and play with new dogs and learn how to properly socialize and interact with other dogs. When puppies are first born, they are adorable playing with their siblings. Doggie daycare will help a dog learn how to act properly around other dogs. The skills learned will benefit the dog and the owner when they are out walking or at a doggy park. It’s easy to pick out well adjusted versus poorly adjusted dogs.

  • Human Contact - During the day while the owner is away at work, the dog doesn’t have to stay home alone. The staff members of the doggie day care interact with the dogs constantly. They are there to guide the play, give treats during quiet times, or a give belly rubs, scratches behind the ear and cuddles.

  • No damage to the home – Dogs that are home all day alone get bored. They often act out by chewing on furniture, doors or anything else they can get their teeth and paws on. If the dog is trapped inside for most of the day, the results may not make their owner happy. Doggy daycare takes these problems away.

  • Health – dog daycare provides a healthier and safer environment for your dog. They can play in an environment made for dogs, they get exercise and are happier as a result. This helps them live happier, healthier, and longer.

  • Relief from loneliness and the anxiety that loneliness can cause in dogs (including separation anxiety)

  • A Good Solution For Busy Owners - Some dog owners feel guilty for going to work and leaving their dog at home. Doggie day care will allow the dog multiple opportunities to potty and be entertained and loved while the owner is away.

Having friends is important to everyone. Doggie Daycare provides a safe and interactive place to play.

Dogs Have So Much Fun at Daycare! 

Fido's Retreat provides dog day care and dog boarding in Brooklyn. Serving the neighborhoods of Downtown Brooklyn, Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, Fort Greene, Carroll Gardens, Red Hook, Williamsburg, Park Slope, Clinton Hill, and the greater Brooklyn area. Doggy Daycare 11201, 11231, 11217, 11215, 11205, 11211, 11231       11/27/18 


Toxic and Dangerous Foods for Dogs

These foods and beverages might be harmful to your pooch. If your dog ingests something toxic call or visit your veterinarian asap.

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888) 426-4435              

Here is the link to the ASPCA poison control:

Poison is a constant concern for dog owners, dog daycare, and dog boarding professionals. Doggy daycare and dog boarding professionals are often asked what foods and substances to avoid. Household poisons are not the only thing that can harm your dog. Many household foods and drugs can also be toxic to your doggy. The following are foods and other substances that can be toxic to your dog.

Avocados: Avocados contain a toxin known as persin. Persin is found in various parts of the avocado and avocado trees. This toxin is known mostly to cause vomiting and diarrhea. 

Beer: Not just beer ... all alcohol. Depending on how much alcohol your dog ingests, it can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, depression, difficulty breathing, coma, and possible death.

Chocolate: Chocolate contains a compound called theobromine that is toxic to dogs. If enough is ingested, your doggy can suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythms, tremors, seizures, and possible death. Cocoa mulch contains theobromine; the ASPCA advises dog owners to avoid using this fertilizer around unsupervised dogs, and dogs with indiscriminate eating habits since it can be toxic if ingested.

Candy: Any candy containing the sweetener xylitol can be toxic to dogs. Sugar is also a bad idea as it can lead to stomach problems.

Caffeine: Caffeine is generally highly toxic to dogs, having negative effects on both the cardiac and nervous systems. Side effects can include vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythms, tremors, seizures, and possible death.

Grapes and raisins: Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure and ultimately lead to death. Symptoms of this poisoning can include hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhea, and irregular heartbeat.

Nuts: Nuts can have negative effects on the nervous, digestive, and muscular systems of your doggie. Symptoms can include muscle tremors, weakness, an upset stomach, vomiting, depression, inactivity, and stiffness. Particularly avoid Macadamia nuts.

Onions: Onions, along with garlic and chives, are all part of the Allium species. Allium species plants contain sulfur compounds that can cause stomach irritation and possibly result in damage to red blood cells causing anemia. This is referred to as Allium poisoning.

Human medicines: Some human medications are prescribed for dogs, others can be highly toxic and fatal. Acetaminophen, found in Tylenol and other similar products, can be fatal to dogs. Always consult with your veterinarian before giving human medication to a dog.

Xylitol (artificial sugar): Xylitol is a sweetener used in many products including mouthwash, chewing gum, toothpaste, and various foods. It is toxic to dogs, products containing xylitol should never be given to your doggy.

Fido's Retreat provides dog day care and dog boarding in Brooklyn. Serving the neighborhoods of Downtown Brooklyn, Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, Fort Greene, Carroll Gardens, Red Hook, Williamsburg, Park Slope, Clinton Hill, and the greater Brooklyn area. Doggy Daycare 11201, 11231, 11217, 11215, 11205, 11211, 11231        7/31/17 

How to Socialize Your Dog & The Important Role Dog Daycare Plays

Socializing your dog the right way can make a huge impact on the quality and enjoyment of your dog’s life. The key to having a well-behaved dog is socialization. Here are some tips.

Dog Day Care and Boarding professional can generally tell if a pooch has been socialized within a few moments of watching them interact.

Does your dog cower or bark excessively when they see other dogs on the street during their walks? Does she hide behind the owner and avoid meeting new people and dogs? Poorly socialized dogs are much more likely to react with fear or aggression to unfamiliar people, dogs and experiences.

There are several degrees of socialization. You can socialize a puppy a little, a lot, or a whole lot. The wider the range of experiences you expose them to, the better their chances are of being comfortable in a wide variety of situations as an adult.

Puppies have a malleable period between 3 and 20 weeks. They are mostly accepting of new people, places and dogs. Teaching them to feel comfortable around them is relatively easy. Expose them to new things every day, while giving them treats. This makes the interactions enjoyable.  The puppy will remember those happy experiences well after the sensitive period ends, around 4-5 months.  Continued exposure to new stimuli throughout the first year is crucial to retaining and building upon the socialization. It is important to continue this socialization well into adulthood, otherwise they may become sensitive to new people, places, dogs as they mature.

This is the perfect time to bring puppies in for doggy day care as they will interact with various dogs and learn how to be a dog. Dogs need to learn how to act within a pack environment to become well-adjusted. At doggy day care they will be able to interact with other dogs in a safe environment. They will learn the subtle, and not-so-subtle behaviors that are normal for dogs. Like the saying goes: It takes a village to raise a child. Puppies are the same, except they need a pack. Dog Day Care is much better for them than just walking with other dogs on a leash. Dog walkers have to keep tight control over them while walking to maintain safety. Doggy Daycare is different in that it allows a dog to act like a dog, within a safe environment, with the handler’s guidance, and lots of room to run and get the exercise they so crucially need. (The operative term being "lots of room to run". Whichever  dog daycare you choose, make sure they have a big enough space for your dog to reach full running stride.) Dogs do not get the exercise they need during walks, limited by the pace of the human stride.

Early socialization in a dog daycare environment can mean the difference between a well-adjusted dog and one that inappropriately acts fearful or aggressive. This early socialization will serve the pooch well into adulthood. They will better handle new environments, situations, people, and dogs. 

Fido's Retreat provides dog day care and dog boarding in Brooklyn. Serving the neighborhoods of Downtown Brooklyn, Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, Fort Greene, Carroll Gardens, Red Hook, Williamsburg, Park Slope, Clinton Hill, and the greater Brooklyn area. Doggy Daycare 11201, 11231, 11217, 11215, 11205, 11211, 11231        7/24/18 

Symptoms Of A Sick Dog : Signs To Look For

You know your dog better than anyone else. If you suspect your dog is sick, call your veterinarian for an appointment right away. If none of the following symptoms apply to your dog but your instincts tell you something isn’t right, have him checked out anyway. The resulting peace of mind will make everyone feel better!

As a doggy day care in Brooklyn, we always look for warning signs that would indicate that one of our guests may be  under the weather. This is even more crucial for dogs in overnight boarding. Dogs can't tell us when they are sick. Dogs will sometimes hide being sick from us. They may appear stoic, keep to themselves. This is a holdover instinct from before domestication days because being sick meant being removed from the pack. 

The symptoms are subtle and can be overlooked. Here are some signals related to energy levels, physical and behavior variations, eating patterns, and mood changes.

Changes in energy levels

Just like their human pals, dogs’ energy levels increase or decrease depending on factors such as weather or activity. Contact your vet if your dog displays these characteristics over a period of several days:

  • Sleeping more than normal

  • Lethargic behavior

  • Seeming indifferent to activities she’d normally enjoy, such as playing or going for a walk

  • Acting restlessly, anxious, or paces

Mood changes

A pooch who is usually very outgoing but suddenly begins curling up in a low traffic area of the house may be feeling down and out. Likewise, a dog who is normally friendly and gentle with children may become agitated or aggressive when ill.

Changes in eating habits

Dogs may occasionally get a minor virus or digestive problem that will cause a day or two of waning appetite. A change in eating habits could otherwise be a sign of a serious problem. If the following behaviors persist or change dramatically in a short period of time, contact your veterinarian.

  • Eating much less than normal, or losing interest in eating

  • Finicky eating habits when they normally eat heartily

  • Suddenly having an insatiable appetite

  • Vomiting after eating

Physical and behavior symptoms

There are far too many possible physical and behavioral indications to list, but there are telltale signs of sickness in your dog:

  • Watery or sunken eyes

  • Tripping or loss of balance

  • Urinating in the house or other place where he’d normally not

  • Rapid weight loss or gain

  • Ear discharge or strong odor

  • Frequent and irregular bowel movements (diarrhea)

  • Lack of bowel movements

  • Panting throughout the day, especially when trying to go to sleep

  • Coughing

  • Drinking water excessively

Fido's Retreat provides dog day care and dog boarding in Brooklyn. Serving the neighborhoods of Downtown Brooklyn, Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, Fort Greene, Carroll Gardens, Red Hook, Williamsburg, Park Slope, Clinton Hill, and the greater Brooklyn area. Doggy Daycare 11201, 11231, 11217, 11215, 11205, 11211, 11231        7/23/15